Sunday 3 November 2013

Footprints In the Snow

Following footprints and pawprints
convinced they must know where to go.
Tracks getting deeper and wetter
No need to think when we follow.

Convinced they must know where to go
we showed no respect, forgetting ourselves
we didn't think we just followed
young and dumb having fun.

We showed no respect, forgetting ourselves
we're bulletproof and beyond concern
young and dumb having fun
our heads were too hollow to listen and learn.

We followed those footprint and pawprints
over and under and onto the lake
the snow sinking deeper and wetter
no tracks going back was our final mistake.


Toads are inspired by Maria Wolf of "Full Moon Fiber Art" a fiber artist who lives on Bedlam Farm with her husband, writer John Katz.  


  1. Oh! What a lesson to learn … too late. This was really cleverly told and I had NO idea it would end like this! Just Wow!

  2. ah you def have to be wise in whose lead you follow...because they may not be going anywhere near where you are wanting to to life.

  3. Sam, I remember "young and dumb" like it was yesterday, that feeling of immortality. You certainly concocted a brill metaphor for youth trusting in the wrong "path," and it was also rather spooky as well. Really strong write, Sam. Thanks for stopping to see me, Amy

  4. uh oh and then what happened!


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