Thursday, 20 March 2014

It's Okay Day

Just for today we can be
Just be

Just for today it's Okay Day
It's Okay to be fat and white
It's Okay to be black and right
God doesn't take sides today

No stranger danger for today
No bills to pay
No one suffocates today
No one hates today

Even the sick can take a break
Break the chains of yesterday
No one starves or runs from carbs
We even let the bad guys pray

Just for today it's Okay Day
It's Okay baby girl
It's Okay to be afraid
It's just Okay

Just for today we can be
Just be


Today the Toads are celebrating our own special holiday in our imaginations - Happy Okay Day :)


  1. Every day should be ok. It should also be ok not to pray, and not to believe in God. :)

  2. I would happily add this holiday, and more than once a year. The poem itself is exquisite in its inhale, held breath, and exhale. I see that in its shape.

    1. Your insight are almost more poetic than my poems susan :)

  3. That's the feast day that was missing from the calendar and we can celebrate is when it suits us or when we feel we need it. Good one.

  4. A hearty round of applause from me. I love this wonderful permission to be me for the rest of the day. Sam says it's okay!

  5. Good idea, Sam. I would like for there to be at least ONE Okay Day.. How about one a month?

    And if we couldn't have it there should be MANY, many, Okay Days for the kids. The have a tough time coping with the busy world, busy teachers and caretakers, and most of all with their busy parents.

  6. Went to bed last night with a poem hatching in my mind ... "Sort Things Out Day" ... glad it was only a few random thoughts ~ you expressed (beautifully) what I had been thinking!

  7. This is delivered so rhythmically and gracefully and I feel that you conveyed just what it means to be, just be...a wonderful holiday, Sam!

  8. Well said, Sam. Very well said, and a perfect idea.

  9. Sam pls check your inbox, Sandy

  10. Hiya....sorry for being so late to the party. I love the concept here, and similarly, it reminds me of that thing Homer SImpson invented: the everything is okay alarm. This piece is smart and fun! Thanks for posting to the out of standard and viva la


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